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Lord of the Rings - Mordor

During the coronavirus pandemic in 2021, I signed up for "The Shire Virtual Challenge". This last of five challenges takes you on a 282-mile (233km) journey in middle-earth from the wasteland of Mordor to Mount Doom. The journey started on the 21st of April 2022, and I finished it on the 3rd of May 2022. I completed the distance by walking my dog and cycling on my static bike.

Bib Number
21st April - Night Camp
4 miles completed
22nd April - Edge of Ithilien
24 miles completed
23rd April - Henneth Annun
34 miles completed
25th April - Osgiliath
78 miles completed
25th April - North Ithilien Forest
83 miles completed
25th April - Stairs of Cirith Ungol
87 miles completed
25th April - Minas Morgul
88 miles completed
25th April - Lege Camp
94 miles completed
26th April - Shelob's Lair
107 miles completed
26th April - Tower of Cirith Ungol
120 miles completed
26th April - Mordor
121 miles completed
30th April - Orc encounter
197 miles completed
30th April - Escape from Orcs
207 miles completed
3rd May - Sammath Naur Door
280 miles completed
3rd May - Sammath Naur
281 miles completed
Journey Completed The Medal


The Ring

It is held on the back of The Shire medal.

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • MACKENZIE, B. (2022) Lord of the Rings - Mordor [WWW] Available from: fitness/lormordorindex.htm [Accessed