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How To Get Into Running

Ijarotimi Omotomilayo provides an overview of running and tips to help you get started.

Running can be a type of field event or physical exercise. In sports, running can be performed as a competition (foot racing) or as a part of other events such as rugby, long jump, etc. It could also be performed as a physical activity that spans different age groups. And, unlike other exercises, it is considered inexpensive and straightforward as it often requires no equipment or extensive training to start with. Once a person has the enthusiasm and a good pair of running shoes, that is all to get started.

According to scientific research, running has several health benefits on the body's mental, physical, and social state. For example, it helps to lose bodyweight, relieves stress, elevates mood, and improves the well-being of the cardiovascular system.

As simple as running looks, getting into it is certainly not as effortless as people think. There are tips on how to get started to avoid getting hurt. These steps are essential for beginners or people who want to start running again after a long period. If a person is not well adapted to racing yet, they should not go further or faster in their runs than their body is prepared for.

History of Running

The ancient humans started running from their endless chase of animals as prey. This activity probably helped them to build endurance while hunting the animals. However, in Ancient Greece, running was first identified as a sporting activity in 776 BC. Before this time, people only ran to hunt for food or escape from danger. Many years after the first running Olympic events, running has taken a different turn.

How To Get Started At Running

Get Checked With A Doctor

Before a person starts a running program, they must know their health status to avoid causing health complications. Also, if they have a medical condition or have been sedentary for a long time, they need to consult a doctor. The doctor may offer some precautions or instructions on how to be safe.

Get The Right Gear

Another essential step to consider before running is getting the perfect wear and shoes. A runner does not need to purchase an expensive or highly fancy pair of shoes or shorts. Instead, they need something with which they are comfortable. An ideal running shoe should provide support and cushioning to the feet, while the perfect clothing should be lightweight and keep the body dry.

Start Gently

This is important, especially for people who have been sedentary or beginners. For example, a beginner should not start with running long-distance races. Instead, they can begin by walking for about 30 minutes a day, three or four times a week. Walking is an excellent way to build endurance and strengthen the joints.

Once they have been taking walks for a couple of weeks, they can start running alongside. They can run for a minute, walk for two to three minutes and continue that cycle for a while. Then, they should gradually increase their running time until they are more comfortable.

Don't be Discouraged by Speed.

As a beginner, the first focus should be on how much time can be spent running rather than the distance covered or the speed. No matter how slow or fast a beginner is, they should ensure consistency and keep moving. Over time, they will build endurance and strength, and their speed will increase.

Stay Motivated

A runner can stay motivated and keep running by rewarding themselves with something they love after the exercise. They can also create a support group. Running with friends or a coach is an excellent way to motivate oneself to keep running.

Some people also prefer to run with music. This helps keep them focused and energized, especially when running for a long distance.

Improve Breathing Techniques While Running

A runner should breathe well to keep them going and prevent them from getting hurt. An ideal form of breathing during exercising is inhaling and exhaling air via the nose and mouth. This allows for steady breathing and rapid carbon dioxide expulsion.

Tips To Note When Running

There are not many principles to running. However, there are a few helpful tips for people who what to be effective runners.

Stay Hydrated: When people run, they lose a considerable amount of sweat. Thus, they need to drink water before, during, and after their runs to ensure that they are not dehydrated. They can also go with hydration packs or water bottles to their runs.

Eat the Right Meal: Whatever food a person takes in before, during, and after their runs significantly affects their body and performance. So rather than eating just any food, a runner should focus on eating healthy and balanced meals.

Maintain a Good Posture: While running, a runner should always make sure that they keep an upright posture. They should not lean too forward or backwards. Instead, they should be relaxed, lift their heads, and straighten their backs.

Warm-up Exercises: Warm-up exercises help to prepare the body for runs. They ensure that blood and oxygen are adequately circulated in the body. Also, they reduce the risk of having injuries or straining the muscles. A runner should always spare 5 to 10 minutes of their time to perform warm-up exercises before they set out to run.

The Important Running Techniques

Whether a person is training to run short or long-distance races, these tips are handy to them:

Stand Tall While Running

While running, runners should position their bodies to achieve the most efficient form. The body needs to stand erect and the hips extended. They can practice some hip-flexor mobility exercises to help extend their hips.

Relax The Shoulders

The arms' motion is vital while running as it provides the body with balance and strength. However, tensing the shoulders, neck, or upper area of the back can slow down the arms' motion. Thus, a good runner should ensure that they keep their shoulders relaxed to keep their arms moving.

Activate The Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles play a significant role in providing stability for the body while running, around the lower torso, hips, and pelvic areas. When there are imbalances in these body areas, the athlete can sustain knee, hip, and back injuries. Also, they can develop aches in their calf muscles, Achilles tendon, and lower leg region. Therefore, runners should include regular strength and stability training into their schedules to help them improve their performance and prevent injuries.

Why Do People Start Running?

Apart from those who run as a sport, most people run to improve their body's well-being. Running has been proven to provide several health benefits that are helpful to the body. Some of these benefits, according to research studies, include:

  • Running helps to shed excess weight.
  • Running reduces the susceptibility to heart disorders.
  • Running lowers the risk of neurological diseases.
  • Running helps to improve mood and reduces depression.
  • Running helps the quality of sleep.
  • Running boosts the body's immunity.
  • Running reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancers.

Page Reference

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  • OMOTOMILAYO, I. (2021) How To Get Into Running [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Ijarotimi Omotomilayo is an avid runner. She has spent the last seven years of her life running and training to keep fit. Although she has interests in other sports like table tennis and handball, she is more passionate about running.