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15 Minute Chest Buster

Matthew Jones provides a fifteen-minute training routine that can be carried out at home.

With the current situation of COVID 19 depriving us of our beloved Gyms, it is in our hands to ensure we do not let all the pre-gym work go to waste.

You may think you need a whole heap of equipment to get a solid workout in during the pandemic, but that is not true. All you need is a timer, the comfort of your own home, and a hard work ethic. 

Give yourself the best chance of an optimal workout.

A critical factor in the performance of your workouts is the gym wear you use. Make sure you are in an outfit in which you feel comfortable. You should have no restrictions when performing exercises, whether it be at home or bodybuilding at a gym. Otherwise, the execution and effectiveness of your workout will not be at optimal levels.

You will need an outfit that allows you that freedom of movement. There is nothing worse than performing a gruelling workout to have the clothes you are wearing make it that much more uncomfortable. Comfortability and range of motion are paramount for ensuring a safe and effective workout. 

So let’s get to it

You are going to be tri-setting the next three exercises with a fifteen-second interval in between each exercise to give you just enough time to move from one movement position to the other. Once the three exercises are completed, you can rest for one minute and have yourself a sip of water before starting over. Below is the breakdown of what is to come in regards to the first three exercises. 

Note: The Reps assigned can be adjusted to your level of fitness. Be sure to make the workout HARD and push the limits. Once you have performed the workout a few times, you should be ready to increase your volume. This is crucial for your progression. The principle of progressive overload is a critical factor for muscle growth, and therefore you must push yourself and your limits. 

Tri-Set Breakdown

Three sets of eight repetitions with a recovery of fifteen seconds/exercise and one minute/set.

Close grip press-ups

Target muscles

  • Primary: Triceps
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoids & Pectorals (chest)
    The core also is worked by ensuring the body is kept straight and stable.

Teaching Points

  • Lay on the floor with your back to the ceiling, extend your arms out and place your hands in a diamond shape position directly below your lower chest.
  • Ensure your body is in a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. 
  • Lower your body until your chest is touching your hands. Then push your body back up extending your arms while squeezing your chest & triceps. 

Decline press-ups

Target muscles

  • Primary: Upper pectoral
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoids & triceps 
    The core also is worked by ensuring the body is kept straight and stable. 

For this exercise, you can use either the stairs, a chair, the end of a sofa, etc. as long as it is stable and comfortable enough to support your feet. You can choose the height of the incline. The higher it is, the more the load will be placed on the shoulders. You do not want it too high as this could compromise your form.

Teaching Points

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Place your hands in front of you around shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. 
  • Position your feet on the object you have chosen and adjust your body alignment, so it is in a straight line from your feet to your shoulders. 
  • Lower your body and chest until it nearly touches the floor. 
  • Push your body back up by extending your arms while squeezing your chest. 

Plyometric push-up

The exploding power movement will get your muscle fibres firing on all cylinders. If you are advanced, you can add a clap to the mix. 

Target muscles

  • Primary: Pectoral
  • Secondary: Anterior deltoids & triceps 

Teaching Points

  • Lay on the floor with your back to the ceiling, extend your arms out and place your hands in a diamond shape position directly below your lower chest.                                                             
  • Ensure your body is in a straight line from your feet to your shoulders.
  • Lower your body until your chest is touching your hands.  
  • Push your body back up as quickly as you can extending your arms while squeezing your chest & triceps. 

On completion, you should be feeling an almighty chest pump, and if your are not then rethink how you are executing the exercises. You need to concentrate on squeezing the muscles to enhance the muscle fibres and reap the maximum benefits. 

The Finisher 

To finish off this workout, and to fill up the chest with blood, you are going to execute an isometric chest squeeze. 

  • While standing with feet shoulder-width apart, press your palms together as hard as you can.
  • Extend your elbows and arms out in front of you while maintaining the pressure against each of your palms.
  • Slowly bend your elbows and bring your hands close to your chest. The movement from extended arms to bent should be performed in around three seconds. 
  • Repeat the exercise, moving your arms in and out from close to your chest to out to the side. 
  • Try doing this for fifteen seconds with a maximum squeeze. 
  • Rest for thirty seconds and go again. 
  • Repeat for three rounds. 


All exercises should be performed in proper form and in a safe environment in your home to ensure your safety and prevent injury. 

Page Reference

If you quote information from this page in your work, then the reference for this page is:

  • JONES, M. (2020) 15 Minute Chest Buster [WWW] Available from: [Accessed

About the Author

Matthew Jones is a personal trainer and owner of Mass Aesthetics Clothing. He has been training people to get fit & healthy both mentally and physically for 5 years. For more information, please email him at