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Girlfriends and Football

Denis Ursov explains how to get your girlfriend to watch football with you.

First of all, the girl should know the fact that football occupies a considerable part of your interests and thoughts before there is a misunderstanding between you based on sports. Is one month left until the World Cup starts? Then it is high time to tell your girlfriend that when the game begins, nothing will be able to tear you away from the screen, except for an even larger screen.

This technique is called "foot in the door." A metaphorical leg, thrust through a hypothetical door, will later allow you to open it wide. If you leave the girl in the dark, the situation will be out of control. When your girlfriend hears about it, she will undoubtedly get interested in what is so unusual about this game that you devote so much time to it. And at this moment, you should grab her hand and step into the exciting world of football together. Luckily enough, football is very popular among women in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian brides love it!


Do not believe the marketing stereotypes – men root for the team in different ways. Someone gets happy after each goal, and someone is silently sitting for an hour and a half, looking thoughtfully at the screen and giving out only a couple of evaluation replicas after the goal. For us, all these models are equally worthy. However, when you watch football with a woman, you will have to be emotional even against your will.

It is necessary to make it clear that football is more than a matter of life and death. If she sees that the game on TV is capable of evoking sincere emotions in her cold-blooded and reserved guy, then at least she will try to understand what can cause such a reaction to this sport. Well, after she screams louder than you in response to a goal scored, you can say with confidence that this is a success!

Jealous attitude

Make her inflame with jealousy of football, using the method aptly called "variable reinforcement." This trick lies in what you, who is always courteous and pleasant to a girl, should suddenly cooldown to her while watching a match or reading a sports newspaper. Wash off any questions she has about the game, saying that this is not a woman's business.

A girl should understand that football is the only sphere of her hobbies in which she has no place. As the psychologists promise, gradually, the insult on you will be replaced by jealousy of football, and your girlfriend herself will do her best to get into the game too and will beg you to watch football together.

Solution saturation

However, there are many cases known to science when a girl does not tolerate football and football players as a class. In such a situation, we advise using the step-by-step approximation technique used in the treatment of phobias. Start to gradually increase the share of football in the life of a girl, the experts suggest.

To begin, tell her about your footballer cousin (everyone has a friend or relative who plays football). Then slip her an article about Victoria Beckham, who has been married to one of the fanciest football players in the world. When she spends the night with you and asks you for something to wear, give her a big clean T-shirt with the symbols of your favourite team.

Contagious example

To finally make the girl get interested in football, use the main ace up your sleeve. Invite her to the game. Her first impression should not be spoilt. Therefore, make sure that the weather is warm and buy tickets for the VIP seats where fights between aggressive fans are almost impossible. Invite your friends your girlfriend is on good terms with: in a familiar environment, the girl will not hesitate and will shout with laughter with you.

With such a successful set of circumstances, the effect of the universal unity of the fans will make such an impression on her that she will also passionately root for the team with you. However, please do not overdo it. Otherwise, your girlfriend will run away from you with some football player.

To put all jokes aside, to get a girl to watch football with you, make her interested in this kind of sport.

The consistent and meticulous implementation of these points, of course, does not guarantee success in bringing women to the good old football. But if it does not help, nothing will help.

Finally, we would like to warn you about this. Watching football in the company of your girlfriend, you can inadvertently distract yourself and skip the key events of the game. However, this lack of joint viewing is justified: after all, looking at men and being a man are not equivalent concepts, and in any case, the second order is more critical.

Page Reference

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  • URSOV, D. (2019) Girlfriends and Football [WWW] Available from [Accessed

About the Author

Denis Ursov is a motivated, personable business professional with more than three years of experience as a project management consultant, SEO specialist, and sports writer. He has experience as a project manager, management consultant, and organizational change management consultant. Well-versed in project management, SEO, link building, communication, and technical implementations of organizational change, software projects, network operating systems, and web development projects.